Sunday, September 6, 2015

What Health and Safety Engineers Do

What Health and Safety Engineers Do

Health and safety engineers develop procedures and design systems to prevent people from getting sick or injured and to keep property from being damaged. They combine knowledge of systems engineering and of health and safety to make sure that chemicals, machinery, software, furniture, and other consumer products will not cause harm to people or buildings.

- Health: Saúde
- Safety: Segurança
- Engineers: Engenheiros
- Do: Fazer
- Develop : Desenvolver
- Procedures: Procedimentos
- Prevent: Prevenir
- Keep: Manter
- knowledge: Conhecimento
- Sure: Certo
- Machinery: Maquinário
- Furniture: Equipamento, mobília
- Harm : Dano
- Buildings: Construções 

Aluna: Meyla Caroline Pereira


  1. this post speaks of the main responsibilities of Safety Engineers and that they should which is the health of the employee.

  2. I could not understand this part: "that they should which is the health of the employee". What do you mean?
