Hazardous Work
It is a known fact that certain sectors and occupations are more dangerous than others. Protecting workers in hazardous conditions – in what is often known as the “3D”, dirty, difficult and dangerous, jobs – is therefore a primary focus of the SafeWork programme.
Priority is given to workers in the most hazardous sectors and occupations, such as agriculture, construction, mining, or ship-breaking, or where working relationships or conditions create particular risks, such as exposure to hazardous agents, such as chemical substances or radiation, or in the informal economy.
Priority is given to workers in the most hazardous sectors and occupations, such as agriculture, construction, mining, or ship-breaking, or where working relationships or conditions create particular risks, such as exposure to hazardous agents, such as chemical substances or radiation, or in the informal economy.
Occupations - Profissão
SafeWork - Trabalho Seguro
Construction - Construção
Mining - Mineração
Relationships - Relações
Exposure - Exposição
Radiation - Radiação
Dirty - Sujo
Difficult - Difícil
Dangerous - Perigoso
Create - Riscos
Fonte: http://www.ilo.org/safework/areasofwork/hazardous-work/lang--en/index.htm - Data: 09/9/2015
Eu achei este post interessante pois, aborda sobre os "3D" que seriam trabalhos sujos, perigosos e difíceis, sendo importante para diferenciarmos de outras condições de trabalho perigosas, e priorizar algumas áreas como: construção, mineração, agricultura e desmanche de navios. Podendo então dar uma atenção maior aos riscos inerentes a estes setores.
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