Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The WHY, WHO and WHAT of Quitting Smoking in the Workplace

Increased Productivity

Helping employees quit smoking is good for business. On average non-smokers take fewer sick days than smokers. Non-smokers can be more productive because they do not take the unscheduled smoking breaks that some smokers do.

Employees who smoke may also take longer breaks than non-smoking employees. Because of new municipal bylaws and stronger provincial legislation smoking is no longer allowed in most workplaces. This means that employees must go outside to smoke a cigarette, often to a designated smoking area and sometimes they must leave the premises completely. Because it now takes more time for employees to reach a place where they can smoke this translates into longer breaks. It also costs employers to pay for and install commercial ashtrays outside as well as to clean the ashtrays and the surrounding area.


On average - Em média
take fewer - Tem menos
unscheduled - programados
longer breaks - pausas mais Longas
bylaws - Status
longer allowed - mais permitido
designated - Especifica
ashtrays - Cinzeiros
outside - Exterior
surrounding - Secundante

Fonte: http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hc-ps/pubs/tobac-tabac/cessation-renoncement/index-eng.php

Aluno: Geovanni Silva

1 comment:

  1. Com a vigência da lei que proíbe as pessoas de fumarem em locais fechados, as empresas tiveram que se adaptar para atender esta pequena parcela de funcionários que ainda insistem no vício, como por exemplo . . .EU
