Saturday, September 19, 2015

David Towlson suggests extending safety training to help prevent DIY accidents.

In absolute numbers, home accidents greatly outweigh those in the workplace. In 2002, when the government last gathered data, there were 6000 deaths related to domestic accidents. It’s unlikely that figure has fallen by a factor of 40 in the past 13 years.
Many home injuries are sustained to domestic repairs and improvements. DIYers often have little or no training, no specific experience of the jobs they attempt and scant appreciation of their own limitations. This is never a good mix.

- Outweigh: prevalecer sobre
- Gathered: coletado
- Data: dados
- Deaths: mortes
- DIYers: do it yourself
- Unlikely: improvável
- Scant: escasso
- Attempt: tentativa

Aluna: Meyla Caroline Pereira

1 comment:

  1. É, realmente os acidentes caseiros são bem frequentes, até porque nem sempre se tem algum conhecimento sobre o reparo a ser feito e quais os cuidados a serem tomados e como na maioria das vezes a solução tem de ser imediata, esquecemos de nossas limitações e causamos acidentes.

    outweigh: pesar mais que
    gathered: coletado
    fallen: caído
    diy: faça você mesmo
    scant: escasso
