Monday, September 7, 2015

Extra Task (GRUPO 09) - Greater Security for the Eletricity Sector

Bigger security for the electric sector

The president of the Labor union of the Eletricitários of Sao Paulo (STIEESP) and vice president of the General Union of the Workers (UGT), Antonio Carlos of the Kings, Salim, participated recently of meeting with syndical central offices and with the Minister of the Work and Job, Carlos Lupi, in the DRT, in Sao Paulo.

In the meeting, alternatives were boarded for the improvement of the conditions of work in Brazil. One talked from the reduction of the journey up to aspects relative to the health and overtime. Salim alerted that there are specific questions in each category. For the worker eletricitário more physical security is necessary, for example.

The electricity kills, in a year, two airplanes of the TAM, in other words, more than 400 persons, sacrificing eletricitários and also other persons. Most of the tragedies are provoked by fallen energized ends in public roads. The vice president of the UGT also asked a Minister representatives of the syndical central offices to participate of the advice established by president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, to negotiate on special retirement.

Fountain: Magazine CIPA


Bigger - Maior
Labor union of the Eletricitários - Sindicato dos Eletricitários
improvement - melhoria
reduction of the journey - redução de jornada
overtime - hora extra
physical security - segurança física
fallen energized - cabos energizados
retirement - aposentadoria

Grupo 09:
Juliana Righetti
Luiz Ricardo Podestá


  1. Fonte de texto em inglês é "SOURCE".

  2. Este texto foi escrito originalmente em português? Encontrei erros nele. Da próxima vez, selecionem um texto escrito originalmente em inglês.

    1. Prof. Julia
      Sim, fiz a primeira pesquisa em sites nacionais. Em tempo, após correção, estamos enviando um texto pesquisado em inglês 'A Blog From the American Society of Safety Engineers'. Muito obrigada,
