Workers may be at risk for occupational diseases
due to physical, chemical, or biological exposures in underground and surface
mines. These hazards can result in workers experiencing serious injuries, long
term health effects, and even death.
Between 2005 and 2014, 184 workers died in
Ontario’s mining sector from occupational diseases.
Occupational disease was identified as one of the
top ranked hazards in the 2014 underground mining sector risk assessment
completed as part of the Mining Health and Safety Prevention Review.
Overview – visão geral
Chemical - químico
Ranked - classificação
Assessment - avaliação
Review - revisão
Interessante essa postagem que reporta trabalhadores de minas subterrâneas e estão expostos a perigos físicos, químicos e biológicos.Entre 2005 e 2014 muitos trabalhadores morreram no setor da mineração de doenças profissionais em Ontário.