Each employer is responsible for the safety and health of its workers and for providing a safe and healthful workplace for its workers. Employers are required to protect workers from the anticipated hazards associated with the response and recovery operations that workers are likely to conduct.
As part of this effort, employers should evaluate each task and operation, identify the hazards associated with it, and establish the exposure controls necessary to adequately protect workers. Employers may accomplish this by developing a Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) for each task that workers will conduct and establishing associated safety and health procedures and protocols that protect workers from the hazards identified. In developing their JHAs, employers should involve a team—ideally composed of safety and health professionals, the workers, and their supervisors—familiar with the work to be completed and the hazards associated with that work.
Source: https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/etools/hurricane/responsibilities.html
- Recovery - recuperação
- Evaluate - avaliar
- Accomplish - realizar/fazer
- Developing - em desenvolvimento
- Establishing - estabelecendo
A postagem retrata que os empregadores são os responsáveis pelo ambiente de trabalho! E desta forma torna-se uma obrigação eles protegerem os seus trabalhadores contra qualquer imprevisto que venha a ocorrer no ambiente laboral. Desta forma, cabe ao empregador fazer uma analise de cada posto de trabalho para evitar que acidentes de trabalho possam acontecer, como poderá criar uma equipe especializada em combate a acidentes do trabalho para auxiliar na melhoria e assessoria continua contra eventuais problemas futuros!