Wednesday, November 3, 2015
Saúde e segurança alimentar: a questão dos agrotóxicos
Health and food safety: the pesticides
The modern agriculture introduced
besides new techniques, equipments and a higher number of agronomical
researches, a diversity of new products, as pesticides and fertilizers. It also
brought up changes in labor hours and working conditions, as well as risks
linked to the new activities, that later reflected in health, especially for
rural workers. World Health Organization believes that per year between 3 and 5
millions of people are intoxicated world wide and pesticide residue in food
continues to preoccupy consumers that need more information about this theme.
This article aims on gathering information about the theme and to support
discussion among different social actors, also showing the Brazilian experience
in health surveillance in its pathway to reach food security. Researches in
Brazil and elsewhere were raised reporting occupational exposure and problems
related to human and environmental health and data related to food analyses.
Actions are suggested to minimize pesticide effect, for example the improvement
on fiscalization over sales and use of these chemical products, changes in
labels and safety equipments. The authors expect that the article may
collaborate to preventive actions.
Source: Illona Maria de Brito Sá
StoppelliI; Cláudio Picanço MagalhãesII
ICentro de Recursos Hídricos e Ecologia Aplicada (CRHEA),
Departamento de Hidráulica e Saneamento/SHS, Escola de Engenharia de São
Carlos/USP, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Engenharia Ambiental. Rua
Pereira da Silva, 251/804 b2, Laranjeiras, 22221-140, Rio de Janeiro RJ.
IIFaculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas/USP e Faculdade JK, Brasília DF
IIFaculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas/USP e Faculdade JK, Brasília DF
Glossary: 1. Pesticides-
agrotóxicos, 2. Intoxication
– intoxicação, 3. Food –
alimentos, 4. Environmental
health – saúde ambiental, 5. Article – artigos, 6. Aims-
objetivo, 7. Higher-
superior, 8. Researches –
pesquisas, 9. Elsewhere-
em outro lugar, 10. Pathway – caminho.
Aluno: Célik
O texto é bastante interessante, fala que a agricultura moderna trouxe benefícios para produção é também prejuízos a saúde dos trabalhadores rurais. Algumas iniciativas tem sido feitas para minimizar os problemas, fiscalização, modificação dos rótulos dos fertilizantes e agrotóxicos e ações preventivas.